Subject: Air
Authority: 18 AAC 50.110 Air
Pollution Prohibited.
December 13th, 2022
Violating Entities Involved:
State of Alaska through the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation and
the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company
This is a COMPLAINT,
as it applies to “any person who allows or causes air pollutants to be
emitted into the ambient air” and with respect to Air Quality Permitting, in
consideration specifically acknowledging expired for over 2240-days
AQ0082TVP02, in violation. For what appears to be a serious violation, denying
any approach to “Good Air Pollution Practice”. Thus if it is allowed to
continue on as it does so today, it will cause injury and damage, now and into
the future. This is a COMPLAINT founded on what appears to be an
“operation” condoned through an “action” – that which “allows pollutants to
be emitted” as well in “inaction” to properly abate – “causes pollutants
to be emitted”, by the “Complainee(s)”. That which is allowing for the “Air
Pollution Prohibited” statute 18AAC 50.110 to be in violation – and placing
workers and citizens in harm’s way of cancer-causing constituents released into
the breathing air through such dereliction by the “Complainee(s)” - as it is an
“action” followed through by “inaction” that which is “injurious to human
health or welfare, animal or plant life, or property, or which would
unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment of life or property.” Herein the
“Complainee(s)”, upon which this COMPLAINT is warranted, in name recognition
are the State of Alaska(SOA) through the Alaska Department of Environmental
Conservation(ADEC), the latter in the capacity in “oversight” yet in the
category of “allows pollutants to be emitted” and the Alyeska Pipeline
Service Company(APSC) as the entity that “causes pollutants to be emitted”.
A COMPLAINT, in principle the sense of this entered COMPALINT,
has been filed with the APSC, on December 9th, via its corporate
email and addressed to Betsy Haines, interim CEO.
That with respect to the
fiduciary aspect, the factual basis of this COMPLAINT, the fact the SOA
through the ADEC is also at fault, in “allowing for pollutants
to be emitted” in violation of SOA statutes prohibiting such, as well in
violation of the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline-System(TAPS) ROW permit, the latter with
respect to USC Title 43 Chapter 34 – Trans-Alaska Pipeline. Wherein it was
adopted by the U.S. Congress in 1974 as nothing short a “law abiding criteria” allowing
for the construction and operation of the TAPS, that which prohibits such
“pollutants”. And when such elements of human health destruction are
haphazardly emitted, or remain about the ambient air following an event through
oversight and or operational dereliction, either through that “action” and or “inaction”
respectfully the Complainee(s), in violation of the “Total Removal” criteria founded
in §1653(b) of Chapter 34. Wherein under the authority and auspicious inherent
in Title 43, the obligation by the SOA/ADEC to follow through upon the criteria
of “Total Removal” exists, as once in violation the APSC admitting through
of-record evidence the emitting of pollutants, the “Total Removal” criteria
becomes an almost unattainable goal, so the “Total Removal” criteria is
abandoned. As a substitute, not the lesser of two evils, falling short of the
“Total Removal” criteria – thus harm’s way paves the way for this COMPLAINT
to be of merit. Be it known that the “Total Removal” of pollutants criteria,
through Title 43 Chapter 34 §1653(b), it was a precursor to any rules and
regulations that allowed for less efforts to deny or abate such “pollutants”,
to defy any such allowances or deviations that pertains to such “pollutants”,
as well an applied law it supersedes any lesser degree of oversight, like is
found with the EPA mandates under the Clean Air Act. The concept behind the
“Total Removal” criteria was and remains a condition of the
Trans-Alaska-Pipeline-System(TAPS) only, it does not affect the wherewithal of
the ADEC’s guidance and oversight for any other Air Quality permitting for
other entities, thus it is a reasonable criteria affecting but for
the TAPS. Wherein it is stated for the record, as is found in the Alaska
statutes, the following as too why the SOA/ADEC is NOT fulfilling its
obligation under the Title 43; Local government powers or obligations under a
local air quality control program. Nothing in 18 AAC 50.010 – 18 AAC 50.110
alters a local government’s powers or obligations under a local air quality
control program established under AS 46.14.400 and other local laws, as
applicable. (Eff. 2/28/2015, Register 213). Therefore, it is NOT an option,
it remains as a requirement for the continuation of the ROW permitting. The “obligation” inherent in Title 43 Chapter
34 has been abandoned, yet remains valid as is still found in the TAPS ROW
permit, recently renewed for 30-years. Such a renewal should not allow the
merits of this “permit” to be abandoned, especially in consideration the
language that allows the SOA leverage to be an intervening party; “Upon
failure of such holder to adequately control and remove such pollutant, the
Secretary, in cooperation with other Federal, State, or local agencies, or in
cooperation with such holder, or both, shall have the right to accomplish the
control and removal at the expense of such holder”
Accordingly for the record this COMPLAINT with
merit, as is found under USC Title 43 Chapter 34 – Trans Alaska Pipeline, the
following is quoted for reference to this COMPLAINT:
Title 43 Chapter 34 in Section §1653 (b):
“Control and removal of pollutants at expense of right-of-way holder - If
any area in the State of Alaska within or without the right-of-way or permit
area granted under this chapter is polluted by any activities related to the
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, including operation of the terminal, conducted by
or on behalf of the holder to whom such right-of-way or permit was granted, and
such pollution damages or threatens to damage aquatic life, wildlife, or public
or private property, the control and total removal of the pollutant
shall be at the expense of such holder, including any administrative and other
costs incurred by the Secretary or any other Federal or State officer or
agency. Upon failure of such holder to adequately control and remove such
pollutant, the Secretary, in cooperation with other Federal, State, or local
agencies, or in cooperation with such holder, or both, shall have the right to
accomplish the control and removal at the expense of such holder.”
In consideration also the
“pollutants” concerning this COMPLAINT, BETX is considered “Hazardous
Air Pollutants(HAP)”, and “Benzene” is known to be a cancer-causing agent. The
fact that the Valdez Marine Terminal continues to “pollute” the air with
“Benzene” and other constituents of the BETX family finds grounds supporting
this COMPLAINT. It is estimated that over 18-million pounds of “Benzene”
has been emitted by the Valdez Marine Terminal “operation” and the operation continues
to pollute the air today. APSC is of record through correspondences and or
permit applications with the ADEC that the operation does indeed “normally” permit
“Hazardous” pollutants to be emitted, that which then enters the ambient and
drifts outside the “fence-line” boundaries towards the city proper of Valdez,
Alaska. But the “polluter” makes no efforts for the “Total Removal” criteria,
so is in violation of the ROW permit with respect to “Air Quality”. To knowingly
publish such “inaction” to allow, to take no demonstrative steps to deny such
pollutants from entering the ambient under the “Total Removal” criteria, there
exists grounds for this COMPLAINT. And the SOA is an accomplice to this
mindset, that a “little pollution” through the emittance of “Hazardous Air
Pollutants” that is known to cause cancer, that such can be diluted when adrift
and made harmless, so no harm exists. There has been “ZERO” valid “HAP”
sampling and/or analysis since 1991, to what side-effects these “pollutants”
can have on the Valdez population, citizens living and breathing in close
proximity to the source. Matter of fact in a recent TAPS ROW renewal FEIS
performed by the BLM, that entity had to rely on that 1991 outdated dated in
efforts to try and make an assessment the effects of HAPS exposure on the ROW
population with respect to cancer, it is totally invalid and cannot be relied
upon for any reasoning, especially upon a modern-day society with obligations.
Stale data is a stalemate, is it for an ulterior motive, to conceal the truths
upon this matter of HAPS exposure and what side-effects will come about in time?
Case in point further supporting
this COMPLAINT, that the SOA through the ADEC’s dereliction in permitting
the APSC allowances for a “lessor” abatement requirement, wherein the Destructive
Rated Efficiency(DRE) found harmful “leniency”,
such limits allowed for with the APSC at the Valdez Marine Terminal(VMT). Wherein
the VMT “Thermal Oxidizers” upon original design through commissioning(1980),
that which allowed for a 99.9999% destruction opportunity with “Zero Benzene”
slip, that DRE was dangerously lowered for this pollution control device, down
to only 98%. An established “limit” so relied upon to make sure the ambient air
was not polluted with harmful hazardous pollutants, like Benzene. That ADEC
approved limit which now allows for more of those hazardous “pollutants” to
enter that ambient air we breathe, it no doubt demonstrates an attitude that is
NOT consistent with “Good Air Pollution Practices”. Instead of a better limit,
a safer limit that can destroy more of these pollutants, as a modern-day society
is supposed to get better with advances in technologies and past experiences
when it comes to protecting the citizens. Instead again, it allows for a
destructive limit that destroys the “Air Quality” and moving backwards for what
should be happening with “oversight” obligations upon “Air Quality”
recommendations, especially when the SOA has the Title 43 Chapter 34 to cover
its “Total Removal” obligation. It is now an operation that may be allowing for
these Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAP) to “slip” through the combustion process,
as the 2% allowances most likely contains that hazardous constituent “Benzene”
through an incomplete combustion cycle as well as that corresponding family in
escape as a pollutant, BETX and Hexane – all considered HAPS and Benzene a well-known
cancer-causing element. In any response to this COMPLAINT, please do not
try to use the EPA “limits” as a reliance in excuse the ADEC is performing
properly, as the “Total Removal” criteria takes precedence as a matter of law. Also
troubling, that the decreased operating temperature for the “Thermal Oxidizers”
allowed for through the permitting cycle and renewal applications, it may be
too low for proper “Destructive Oxidation” of BETX constituents. Benzene slip
is most likely occurring. To allow for this reduction to save fuel, without
proper testing for BETX “slip”, it is an “obligation” that finds a dereliction
to the conviction of what “Air Quality” is all about. It appears the SOA is
merely bending over for the APSC. And as to why the APSC continues to refuse to
accommodate new “Air Quality” testing requests by 3rd
parties(non-jurisdictional entities), that would target “Benzene” exposure in
Valdez in a long over-due effort to make a valid assessment upon of the effects
of “HAPS” in the ambient air today, it is very suspicious. To rely on outdated
data is but for a cover-up and the SOA appears to want to
accommodate this behavior, by not requiring the APSC in its VMT operation any
updates to any source testing – that which specifically targets “HAPS”. To
allow for permits, to allow for renewals, without a valid test at hand it can
only lead to preferential treatment which leads to harm and injury. What is
Alyeska afraid of? What is the SOA afraid of? Why a TAPS Pump Station, out in
the middle of nowhere for the most part, why those facilities under the ADEC jurisdiction
finds more scrutiny with respect to “Air Quality” and “Haps” emissions then
does the VMT facility, just so the APSC can get the ADEC to approve an “Owner
Requested Limits” permit so then the facilities can then operate under a
“synthetic permit” as a less restrictive definition of a “polluter”, well the credibility
of the ADEC then becomes questionable as to whom it is supposed to protect.
Through Title 43, the SOA is
listed as an authority having jurisdiction to intervene, to make sure the “Total
Removal” criteria is being met as a condition of “right” with the TAPS ROW
permit. Therefore, the SOA is at fault for acting otherwise and should
immediately move to make sure the “Total Removal” criteria is being accomplished,
and that can only take place at the source through “Total Destruction”, as once
the Benzene is allowed to be emitted into the ambient air there is no reliance
that it can then be “Totally Removed”, bone marrow transplants are very
expensive, with respect to the harm associated with Hazardous Air Pollutants so
consumed. That said, the TAPS workers and citizens cannot and should not have
to rely on “dilution” as a preferred ways and means to protect one’s health, as
that is also a questionable maybe illegal practice; Dilution. “The
Permittee shall not dilute emissions with air to comply with this permit.
Monitoring shall consist of an annual certification that the Permittee does not
dilute emissions to comply with this permit.” And for the SOA to take a
stand that the solution to pollution is dilution, it is delusional. But that is
of course what is going on, the APSC to knowingly allow for HAPS to be emitted
into the ambient air and the SOA relying on dilution to calm the nearby citizen
harm. And because it is the long-term exposure that is of a concern with
“Benzene” exposure, maybe the fact that those in authority will be long gone
into a lucrative retirement before the harm makes headline news, so take the
attitude to not bite the hand that feeds – as Alaska relies on the TAPS for its
Please STOP the APSC from emitting
“Benzene” into the ambient air, your job demands it as was so christened by
Title 43 Chapter 34 – Trans-Alaska Pipeline. Else the ROW permit may be in
jeopardy if the Secretary of the Interior must intervene, to make sure the
workers and the residents of Valdez are not placed in harm’s way due what it
appears to be an unsensible and lackadaisical and irresponsible mandate of
“pollution first”, wherein the relationship between the ADEC and APSC is
harmful to the health and wellbeing of the citizens - wherein it is apparent
that the APSC seems to make its own rules. For years, the workers at the VMT
and other TAPS facilities along the 800-mile long pipeline, as well the residents
of Valdez, all have been placed in harm’s way this “Hazardous Air Pollutant”
conundrum. Especially in Valdez, when upwards 900000 pounds-per-year of raw
unadulterated cancer-causing Benzene, yes each year, was allowed to be emitted
into the ambient air. No doubt with the 1996 reductions in tanker loading raw
emissions, it still warrants a better solution to the existing
state-of-affairs, meaning getting back to a “Total Removal” criteria - that is
what the citizens deserve and thus counts on the ADEC to achieve. As that is
what the U.S. Congress mandated when it signed, sealed and delivered Title 43.
The workers and citizens of Valdez should NOT be guinea pigs in any
continuation of this experiment to see just how much “Benzene” abuse a human
can tolerate. This is not what the citizens of Alaska should expect from our
only oversight, the ADEC, as when that entity caves in…we are already seeing
ex-Alyeska workers in retirement and Valdez residents up in age pass on way too
young, as maybe the long-term side effects of “Benzene” exposure are starting
to arrive.
Filed by Michael Kelley/Complaint
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